The program corresponds to the CET time zone.
16.00 - 16.15: Welcome from the Organizers
16.15 - 17.00: Keynote
Gabriele Bavota, Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland)
Empirical Software Quality: Challenges and Lessons Learned
Abstract: Empirically evaluating techniques for automated code quality improvement and, more in general, running empirical studies about code quality, poses several challenges. In this talk, I will describe some of the studies I did in the field of software quality. The focus of the talk will not be on the findings reported in these papers, but rather on the lessons I learned as a researcher while designing, running, and replicating them. I will conclude my talk by presenting some of the research directions we’re currently investigating in my research group.
(See below the biography of the speaker!)
17.00 - 17.10: Short break
Session I - Anti-patterns (15m + 5m Q&A)
- 17.10 - 17.30: A Preliminary Study on the Adequacy of Static Analysis Warnings with Respect to Code Smell Prediction
Authors: Savanna Lujan (Tampere University), Fabiano Pecorelli (SeSa Lab - University of Salerno), Fabio Palomba (SeSa Lab - University of Salerno), Andrea De Lucia (SeSa Lab - University of Salerno), Valentina Lenarduzzi (LUT University)
- 17.30 - 17.50: DeepIaC: Deep Learning-based Linguistic Anti-pattern Detection in IaC
Authors: Nemania Borovits (Tilburg University/JADS), Indika Kumara (Eindhoven University of Technology/JADS), Parvathy Krishnan (Tilburg University/JADS), Stefano Dalla Palma (Tilburg University/JADS), Dario Di Nucci (Tilburg University/JADS), Fabio Palomba (University of Salerno), Damian Andrew Tamburri (Eindhoven University of Technology/JADS), Willem-Jan van den Heuvel (Tilburg University/JADS)
- 17.50 - 18.10: Speeding Up the Data Extraction of Machine Learning Approaches: A Distributed Framework
Authors: Martin Steinhauer (University of Salerno), Fabio Palomba (University of Salerno)
18.10 - 18.20: Short break
- 18.20 - 18.40: PANEL
Panelists: Anthony Cleve, University of Namur, Belgium - Fabio Palomba, University of Salerno, Italy
18.40 - 19.00: Long break
Session II - Anomalies and defects (15m + 5m Q&A)
- 19.00 - 19.20: RARE: A Labeled Dataset for Cloud-Native Memory Anomalies
Authors: Francesco Lomio (Tampere University), Diego Martínez Baselga (Tampere University), Sergio Moreschini (Tampere University), Heikki Huttunen (Tampere University), Davide Taibi (Tampere University)
- 19.20 - 19.40: An Effective Sequence Alignment Method for Duplicate Crash Report Detection
Authors: Irving Muller Rodrigues (Polytechnique Montreal), Daniel Aloise (Polytechnique Montreal), Eraldo Rezende Fernandes (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul)
- 19.40 - 20.00: TraceSim: A Method for Calculating Stack Trace Similarity
Authors: Roman Vasiliev (JetBrains), Dmitrij Koznov (Saint-Petersburg State University), George Chernishev (Saint-Petersburg University, Russia), Aleksandr Khvorov (JetBrains), Dmitry Luciv (Saint-Petersburg State University), Nikita Povarov (JetBrains)
- 20.00 - 20.20: Singling the Odd Ones Out: A Novelty Detection Approach to Find Defects in Infrastructure-as-Code
Authors: Stefano Dalla Palma (Jheronimus Academy of Data Science), Majid Mohammadi (Jheronimus Academy of Data Science), Dario Di Nucci (Jheronimus Academy of Data Science), Damian A. Tamburri (Jheronimus Academy of Data Science)
20.20 - 20.30: Short break
- 20.30 - 20.50: PANEL
Panelist: Bram Adams, Queen's School of Computing, Canada - Jinqiu Yang, Concordia University, Canada
20.50 - 21.00: Closing

Gabriele Bavota is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Informatics of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano, where he is part of the Software Institute and he leads the SEART research group. He received the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Salerno in 2013. His research interests include software maintenance and evolution, code quality, mining software repositories, and empirical software engineering. He is the recipient of the 2018 ACM Sigsoft Early Career Researcher Award for outstanding contributions in the area of software engineering as an early career investigator.