Due to the unforeseen effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, MaLTeSQuE 2020 will be held virtually. We are working on the precise means, methods and tools, and will update here as soon as more details are available. Meanwhile request your patience.

The assessment of software quality is one of the most multifaceted (e.g., structural quality, product quality, process quality, etc.) and subjective aspects of software engineering (since in many cases it is substantially based on expert judgement). Such assessments can be performed at almost all phases of software development (from project inception to maintenance) and at different levels of granularity (from source code to architecture). However, human judgement is: (a) inherently biased by implicit, subjective criteria applied in the evaluation process, and (b) its economical effectiveness is limited compared to automated or semi-automated approaches. To this end, researchers are still looking for new, more effective methods of assessing various qualitative characteristics of software systems and the related processes. In recent years we have been observing a rising interest in adopting various approaches to exploiting machine learning (ML) and automated decision-making processes in several areas of software engineering. These models and algorithms help to reduce effort and risk related to human judgment in favor of automated systems, which are able to make informed decisions based on available data and evaluated with objective criteria. Thus, the adoption of machine learning techniques seems to be one of the most promising ways to improve software quality evaluation. Conversely, learning capabilities are increasingly often embedded within software, including in critical domains such as automotive and health. This calls for the application of quality assurance techniques to ensure the reliable engineering of ML-based software systems.

The 4th edition of the International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evolution will be held at Sacramento, California, November 16, 2020, collocated with ESEC/FSE 2020.


    Abstract Submission Deadline: July 8th, 2020
    Paper Submission Deadline: July 15th, 2020
    Notification: Aug 26th, 2020
    Camera ready: Sep 18th, 2020
    Workshop: Nov 16th, 2020